Huron School District #2-2

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Schools Huron High School HS Counseling Services

Assisting students with their academic, career, and social/emotional development.

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  Huron High School has two full time School Counselors. 

 Mrs. Lacey Wilde-

 Mrs. Kristin Wheeler-




What Can Your School Counselor Do For You?

We recognize that high school is one of the final transitions into adulthood in which students explore and define their independence and sense of self. During this critical time, we want to ensure that you understand some of the services the Huron High School Counseling Department can provide:

  • Develop individualized academic planning and goal setting
  • Deliver short-term counseling
  • Educate on community resources and help to facilitate those connections such as long-term counseling referrals
  • Collaborate and communicate with parents and other building staff to promote student success
  • Provide equitable access to academic, career, and social/emotional learning opportunities
  • Empower students to manage and apply positive, interpersonal, and coping skills
  • Educate, communicate, and develop plans surrounding post-secondary opportunities



Click Here for Scholarships

2022 College Application Access:  Free College Applications Oct 3. - Nov. 30